The President of the WESTrek Services has worked both sides of the outdoor recreation spectrum – the public sector and the private. Our history includes contracts and agreements with public agencies such as; Federal, State, County, and Municipalities. In addition to the vast management background of the President, additional certifications, training and experiences include: Peace Officer for a Park Service agency, Water System Operator, Waste Water Operator, Speaking and Interpretive Presentations, Board Member of a National Recreation Association and Parks Board, Licensed General Contractor, Boating Safety Instructor, and Firearms Safety Instructor.
WESTrek Services has re-tooled and re-branded its approach to managing recreational properties. With 30+ years of experience, WESTrek brings the industry a fresh approach to providing great customer service and products as well as building strong partnerships with the public agencies we contract with.
Job Opportunities:
Primary WESTrek employment positions:
Campground Host
Project Area Managers
Maintenance Tech
Gate Attendants
Marina Attendant…..and more!!!
The majority of our positions are Camp Hosts, however, there are a number of other important support employment opportunities in the recreation field.
If you feel you fit this description and this desire, then please fill out our brief form.