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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


WESTrek Services is closely monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local officials, we continue to adapt to changing conditions. 

Not to downplay the seriousness of Coronavirus, we believe that one of the first places that are deemed safe is the great outdoors especially in the open spaces of our public lands, parks, waterways, and forests.  With few exceptions, these open spaces. When it comes to camping, campsites are spaced at very safe distances which far exceeds social distancing recommendations.  Furthermore, visitors bring their own personal spaces such as tents, campers, RV's, etc.  Social distancing is not an issue in the majority of campgrounds and other outdoor use areas.


WESTrek's plan for the resumption of operations follows current CDC guidance for disease prevention in public places and workspaces. It follows a phased approach to reopen park areas, beginning with outdoor spaces such as campgrounds, trails, boardwalks, observation decks, boat ramps, picnic areas, and other open landscapes. Modifications to park operations will be flexible, continually evaluated, and adjusted on a park-by-park basis with the support of WESTrek.

Some facilities and services may be limited. As operations are changing on a park-by-park basis, we recommend visitors check with individual parks for specific details about their operations, including campgrounds.


WESTrek has a comprehensive plan for cleaning and sanitizing protocols at recreation facilities and keeping us all as safe as possible.  Finally, let's all do our part to make this summer as safe as possible.


Here is what we are doing and would like you to do as well.


Looking forward to seeing you by the campfire.  


WESTrek Services


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